Hodowla Bordercollie

BELLA - A licensed assistant of dog therapy.

The most beloved Border collie dog. The amazing character of the dog, unique, grateful for everything. Very clever, responsible, very hardworking, loving people, children, calm but very brave. Avoids all the problems with other dogs.
It stops at every step. Great dog. A dog born for agility and work. He learns all tasks very quickly. A wonderful dog, for whom only her beloved mistress counts. A great dog for therapy with children and adults. She loves contact with people, stroking and hugging. Great, dog's psyche, great emotions, sensitivity and humbleness.  A dog that gives me a great peace of mind. A great assistant for dog therapy. I invite you to contact everyone who needs contact with such wonderful animals.

Our beloved "Bella" - a wonderful dog born for love children, work and for all kinds of sports. Great in tracking and agility. Splendid swims. A ball of the ball. She is extremely attached to her Lady, for whom she will do everything ... and her Lady for her ..

Age- 4 lata

Agility-psie sporty.

Najwspanialszy charakter psa.Pies stworzony do dogoterapii i do uprawiania wszelkich sportów

Dogoterapia z Bellą.